Remembering Farnhurst: Stories from the Delaware State Hospital 1894-1920

This book includes a detailed look at the lives of 186 patients who were admitted to the Delaware State Hospital at Farnhurst between 1894 and 1920. Despite usually thought of as having been simply a “mental hospital” or “lunatic asylum”, the institution cared for people with many different conditions. From brain injuries, syphilis, epilepsy, and schizophrenia to deafness, blindness, and age-related senility, a wide variety of conditions were treated, because at a time there were few or no other options for care.

A comprehensive look at the book, including a searchable database, is available at The book is available at Amazon and Delaware libraries.

The Author

About this Name Index

The Author

Katherine Dettwyler has been studying and/or teaching anthropology since 1973. She earned her BS in Anthropology from the University of California, Davis in 1977, and her MA and PhD in Anthropology from Indiana University, Bloomington in 1980 and 1985, respectively. She taught at the University of Southern Mississippi from 1985 to 1987, and at Texas A&M from 1987 until 2000. She taught at Millersville University, Pennsylvania from 2004 to 2006, then taught at the University of Delaware as an adjunct professor for over a decade. Beginning in 2012, she spent eight years transcribing patient ledgers and doing research on the history of patients at the Delaware State Hospital, resulting in Remembering Farnhurst, published in 2019.

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About this Name Index

The table below is a searchable list of names with the page numbers on which they appear in Remembering Farnhurst. To learn more about the people, visit, and refer to the book, which is available at and Delaware libraries.

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