Hidden Skills?
Do you or a family member have hidden skills…skills that you may not have used for sometime, and now have the time to use them again? DGS is looking for help in the following areas. Do you have a few hours to help?

- Are you familiar with searching online records in Delaware and nationally?
- Are you willing to visit libraries or locations, like the Delaware Historical Society or Delaware Public Archives, to research or transcribe records?
- Are you experienced with research in specific countries outside of the US?
- Comfortable editing spreadsheets?
- Are you familiar with administering and running Zoom webinars and hosting remote speakers?
- Do you have experience setting up and running hybrid meetings, i.e., live/streaming?
- Are you familiar with administering WordPress.com websites?
- Do you understand WordPress plugins?
- Are you familiar with the following terms: PHP, PHPMyAdmin, or code recipes?
- Can you cut and paste content?
If you have a few hours of your time to help, please fill in the contact information below so we can contact you.
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